HackDefense Home

Understandable Security Consultancy

We are experts in hacking, cybercrime-related risks, soft­ware enginee­ring and IT archi­tec­ture. We understand how IT risk management and gover­nance work, and recognise that there can be valid cost/​benefit trade-offs. We help you make the right trade-offs by providing you with insight into the real risks associated with the technical issues.

how can we help?

Agile and DevOps Security

Add a hacker to your Agile and DevOps teams. In one day a week we follow the user stories in the sprint. If you give us access to the code repository we review new code for security-relevant issues as soon as it’s checked in.

This way, you prevent security holes in the software as it’s being developed and maintained, before changes are deployed to production. Even with continuous deployment.

Technical support for the CISO

An important task for a Security Officer is to get the organisation around security right. Important, but time-consuming work. Many CISO’s could use someone in a supporting role.

Adding a part-time technical advisor to your team can help you connect with the engineers in the IT department. Our consultants/​ethical hackers can help you map the IT network and to identify where there may be flashpoints.